Feeling connected to the people in our lives brings a
feeling of personal well being and happiness.
Social connection is important not only for psychological well-being,
but also improves physical health. But
with today’s technology, social connection has taken on a whole new
meaning. Technology has opened our world
of social connections far beyond our family and circle of friends. We can text, email, Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, Linkedin and Skype just about anyone. We can share our lives for all to see, and learn
about the lives of anyone willing to put the information out there. But does this increase in numbers bring
greater happiness and well being, or somehow create a false sense of connection
and make us feel more isolated and lonely? Sherry Turkle, professor of Science,
Technology and Society at MIT, and author of
Alone Together: Why We Expect
More From Technology and Less From Each Other, studies how technology
is shaping our modern relationships.
Turkle speaks of the psychological power the devises we use have, and
how they are changing what we do and who we are. “There are no limits to the places and
circumstances we will take out our phones and start texting. We are texting during meetings, meal times,
while driving, shopping, and sadly while socializing. Nobody is paying attention to each other
anymore, and we may be setting ourselves up for trouble. We are hiding from each other even when we
are in the same room”.
Turkle believes that adolescents need to develop face to
face interactions and have real conversations, conversations that cannot be
controlled by editing or deleting, but real conversations that have real
outcomes. Yes, they may be messy and
full of mistakes, but there is so much to learn from them. Jay Baer, social media and content
strategist, and speaker and co-author of The NOW Revolution, talks about how
social media forces upon us a feeling of intimacy and closeness that doesn’t
actually exist. “Technology and our use
of it isn’t – as we’ve all hoped – bringing us closer together. In fact, it may be driving us farther apart,
as we know more and more people, but know less and less about each of

Turkle and Baer’s views made me think how important
overnight camp is, now more than ever. Camp
is all about making connections, real face to face connections that require
listening and focus, and bring us close to one another in a way technology cannot
possibly do. At camp, we learn about
each other through playing and engaging in different camp activities and
events. We get to interact face to face
and respond in the moment. These real
connections allow us to learn about others as well as ourselves. At camp, our activities are not interrupted
by having to post comments about what we are doing or how we feel about it, we
are in the moment. We do not have to remove ourselves from one another. At camp, we replace postings and online
sharing with real communications. “Children who do not learn real interactions,
which often have flaws and imperfections, will come to know a world where
perfect, shiny screens give them a false sense of intimacy without risk”, says
Turkle. “They need to think
independently of a device. They need to
be able to explore their imagination”.
Technology can of course be helpful and make our lives
easier in so many ways, but can never replace the value of having a face to
face conversation and spending time with friends and really listening and
sharing. It’s the only way to form and
experience real connections. Social media is a great way to stay in touch but
if you want to form a true connection, take some time to unplug and tune in.
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