We have all had moments when we reacted before thinking.
Times we let our frustration get the best of us, and lost touch with being
understanding and patient with our children. As parents, with hectic schedules
and constant multitasking, these moments may occur more often than we want them
too. Our goal as parents is to raise
happy, self confident children, who believe in themselves and their abilities. So when our behavior does not coincide with
that goal, we question our parenting and hope that we have not harmed our
children’s sense of self. Even when most
days go well and we are positive forces in our children’s lives, it’s easy to
dwell on the moments we wish we could have a “do-over”.

A great deal is written about building confidence in
children and how it is the prerequisite for believing in ourselves and pursuing
our dreams. Dr. Sears believes that
self-esteem is a child’s passport to lifetime mental health and social
happiness. “How people value themselves,
get along with others, perform at school, achieve at work, and relate in
marriage, all stem from strength of their self-image”. Family therapist, Jane Nelsen says self-esteem
comes from having a sense of belonging, believing we are capable, and knowing
our contributions are valued and worthwhile.
With so many professionals expressing the importance of a healthy
self-esteem, it is our job as parents to provide our children with the tools to
believe in themselves and the confidence to handle any situation life throws
their way.
Some recommended strategies include:
Provide Encouragement: Everyone responds well to encouragement. Be sure to acknowledge the efforts as well as
the successes.
Accept them for who
they are: Children benefit when they
feel accepted for who they are, regardless of their strengths, difficulties or
Support Healthy Risk
Taking: Encourage children to try
new things, and let them learn from their mistakes. Working hard toward something, set-backs and
all, helps children feel a real sense of accomplishment.
Have a “can-do”
attitude: Children blossom when we
expect them to blossom. If you let your
child know you believe in them, they will believe in themselves.
Pay Attention: Giving undivided attention helps children feel
valued and important and builds self-worth.
Listen: Accept emotions without judgement to help
children feel valued.
Be a Positive Role
Model: Try your best and acknowledge
your own efforts and accomplishments.
These strategies that can help parents raise confident children
are also being implemented at overnight camp.
Camp provides a natural environment of taking healthy risks, being
encouraged to do your best, and being acknowledged for the efforts as much as
the successes. Campers feel a sense of
belonging, are accepted for who they are, and are surrounded by positive role
models. Parents are often amazed at the
level of confidence their campers return home with at the end of the
summer. So in our quest to raise self-confident
children, it’s nice to know camp helps lay the foundation that will help our
children face life’s challenges, set and achieve goals, try new things and have
positive social experiences for years to come.
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