Camp Games for a Cause: An Exciting and Noteworthy Cause
Hi, we’re Marcy Cohen and Jenna Wollin. We both grew up at Iroquois Springs; this is our tenth summer at camp and our third summer as counselors! As our first year at college winds to an end, we are counting down the days until we are back at camp again with all of our old friends and as always, we cannot wait to make new ones!
We are so fortunate to have been given the opportunity to attend camp; without Iroquois Springs we would not be where we are today. This May, we will be co-captains of the Iroquois Springs team at the second annual Camp Games for a Cause event, sponsored by the American Camp Association of New York and New Jersey. The purpose of this fundraiser is to help send underprivileged kids to camp -- a meaningful cause that is very important to us!
Camp Games for a Cause brings together hundreds of camp alumni and friends to raise money to provide these children with positive summer camp experiences through scholarships, program support, and training. On May 19, we will participate in traditional “camp color war” types of events in the spirit of the charity, while enjoying a day with our camp friends!
On behalf of Iroquois Springs, we invite you to join us and participate in the festivities. Campers and staff (ages 16 and up) are welcome to sign up to take part in the event. If you are unable to attend, but are still interested in donating to this worthy cause, your contribution would be greatly appreciated! Your donation of

any size will go a long way toward providing a positive camp experience for children less fortunate than we are!
The American Camp Association makes it easy to donate! For online donation, just log onto www.campgamesforacause.org and search for “Iroquois Springs” on the right to make a donation. There is also a downloadable/printable page if you would prefer to mail in your contribution.
We really appreciate your donation - this cause is very special to us!
Thank you!
Jenna Wollin and Marcy Cohen

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