The temperatures may have plummeted, but it’s never out of
season to have summer camp on our minds.
In six short months, campers will be starting (or returning to) their
camp life, and the adventure of a lifetime.
Returning campers cannot wait to get back to their camp friends, their
camp home and all the joy camp offers.
Parents of returning campers know that the memories of camp last all
year long. They know the benefits of the
camp experience, and how it fosters self-esteem, creates independence and
increases maturity. But these parents
were once new to the world of camp, and the parental concerns of what camp would
be like for their first time camper. The
concerns of…is my child ready? Will they be homesick? Will they be able to take
care of themselves? Will they make friends? Will they participate in camp
activities? Though parents cannot monitor what camp activities their child will
enjoy, the friends they make, or what they choose to wear or eat…there are some
basic skills that children can practice at home to make the transition to camp
easier, and tips to help parents prepare their camper for their first overnight
camp experience.
Plan Sleepovers: Schedule a sleepover at a friend or relatives
house to help your child adapt to being away from home for the night.
Increase Personal
Responsibility: Encourage your child
to be responsible for selecting clothes, getting dressed and personal hygiene. Have your child manage routines of showering
and brushing teeth independently.
Have children help
out at home: Campers are part of a team
and are responsible for doing their share.
Practice making beds and cleaning up after themselves at meal time.
Allow them to work
things out: When sibling or friend
disputes arise, give kids a chance to sort them out before intervening. If needed, assist with constructive ways to
settle issues. Campers live together
24/7 and disagreements are bound to come up, the practice of working things out
independently will greatly empower campers.
Review camp materials: Visit the camp web site or view the DVD
together. Familiarity with the camp setting and routines will give new campers
a stronger sense of what to expect. Attend
the New Family Orientation prior to the start of camp to gain an even better
sense of what camp is all about, as well as a chance to meet key staff and
other new camp families.

Prepare Together: Shop for bedding, clothing and other camp supplies
together. Being a part of the process
will get them excited about going.
The camp season may be months away, but it is never too
early to help our children (and ourselves) become more independent, confident and
prepared for a happy and fun filled summer.
Stay warm and get ready for summer 2014!