I was watching my son’s baseball game this past weekend, and
overheard the banter that was taking place in the dugout. While most kids were talking about the game,
or getting ready for their turn at bat, there was one boy who was teasing
another saying how he wasn’t a good player in the field or at bat. The boy
being teased did not defend himself, but instead became quiet and a bit
withdrawn. Not wanting this to escalate,
and having very little tolerance for teasing or bullying, I made sure the
coaches were aware of what was going on so that the teasing would stop and the
boy being teased would be able to focus on playing the game. I realize that adults cannot step in every time
there is a situation of unkind behavior, but we can teach children to protect
themselves from becoming victim to ongoing teasing and bullying. Children that stand up for themselves and do
not tolerate unkind behavior, also feel empowered to stand up for others.
Bullying is certainly not a new dilemma in today’s society,
but thankfully our awareness and understanding of the toll it takes on young
people has grown tremendously. A
no-bullying tolerance in schools, camps, and all places youth are being served
has become the norm. There are numerous
campaigns, like the Cartoon Networks “Stop Bullying, Speak Up” and the National
Crime Prevention Associations McGruff the crime dog, who teaches kids to “Stop,
Talk and Walk”. The message is that kids
need to stop listening to the bullies, use their voices to tell them to stop,
and then walk away, all leading to greater self-respect. McGruff also advocates being a friend to the
person being bullied so they are not alone.
Here are some other helpful tools to empower kids and end
bullying behaviors:
Teach children to be
Kids who seem insecure
and lack confidence are often the target of bullying.
Teach children to stand up for themselves
verbally, not violently.
Teach children
to use a strong voice and tell the aggressor to stop.
Ask for help if
needed. Kids need to be reassured
that it is okay to seek help from an adult if they feel frightened of the
situation. It’s okay to take action in a
safe way.
Build empathy in your
kids. Teach them to relate to others
and raise awareness of being in others people’s shoes.
Help them develop
social skills. Kids who don’t have
friends or who always seem to be alone are usually the ones being picked
on. Help them to develop a strong circle
of friends they can depend on.
Be a good example. Model respectful relationships and treat
others fairly. If you witness someone
being bullied or hurt, help out.
Remain calm. Though it may be difficult to remain
unemotional when insults come our way, teach children to assert themselves as
calmly as possible. Bullies are usually
looking to upset their victims, and may stop if they are not getting a
If during the next baseball game, the bully in the dugout
continues to insult his teammate, I hope the boy being teased can look the
bully in the eye, tell him to stop talking to him like that, and go sit with
some other teammates.