Friday, September 27, 2013

Camp and Emotional Intelligence

Now that school is in full swing, so are the academic demands of class work, homework, quizzes, tests, reports, and presentations. Participating in class and hitting the books definitely gives students an edge when it comes to academic success, but success in school, and in life, involves so much more than studying alone.  The ability to succeed also involves the ability to manage our emotions. And how we deal with our emotions in any area of our life can directly reflect on our work, and our overall success.  Marc Bracket, senior research scientist in psychology at Yale University, notes that “emotions can either enhance or hinder your ability to learn”  That may be why so many schools are developing programs in raising students Emotional Intelligence.

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to understand, use and manage our emotions.  It’s our level of ability of self-awareness, self-management, motivation, empathy and social skills.  Many experts believe that a person’s emotional intelligence (EI) quotient may be more important than their IQ and is certainly a better predictor or success, quality of relationships and overall happiness.  Teaching Emotional Intelligence in schools, a strategy known as Social Emotional Learning, has gained popularity after studies concluded that emotional skills are crucial to academic performance.  Jennifer Kahn, teacher at the University of California, writes that SEL has gained traction in recent years, not only in relation to academics, but in part by concerns over school violence, bullying and teen suicide.  The goal of SEL is to give students the tools to help them regulate their emotions.  By being aware of our emotional state and our reactions to stress, we can better manage stress and maintain good health.

Overnight camps have been teaching emotional intelligence forever.  Camps may not have a formal program put in place, but they naturally provide an environment that allows campers to develop their social and emotional skills.  Living side by side allows campers and staff to constantly learn from one another and improve their abilities of self-awareness, self-management, persistence, empathy and social skills.  In addition to the wonderful activities campers participate in, camp also provides children with a natural setting to learn about themselves, understand different personalities, and resolve conflicts.  Trained camp staff act as role models by validating feelings and helping campers explore options in response to those feelings.  Counselors teach conflict resolution with a cooperative approach to problem.  Camp is a learning environment that encourages motivation by teaching and developing skills to improve and achieve.  Camp provides teachable moments in empathy, and encourages friendships and connections to one another.  Camp teaches children to use their strengths and supports their challenges by encouraging participation in a variety of activities.  Campers take these skills home with them and apply them to a school setting to have greater success throughout the school year. And if the findings are true, that better emotional intelligence is a great predictor of success, quality of relationships and overall happiness, campers are headed for a great life!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Happy School Year to Everyone.

School is back in session.  School supplies have been purchased, students and teachers have been introduced, and reuniting with school friends has joyfully taken place.  A new school year is an exciting time of a year.  It’s a time of new beginnings and expectations.  Back to school is a time to “change it up” from the laid back last few weeks of summer and return to a more structured schedule.  It may not be the new calendar year, but September is a great time to start fresh.  Author Gretchen Rubin (“The Happiness Project”) calls September the new January.  Rubin says “Back to school is a time of self-evaluation and reflection.  January is the official start of the new year, and I always get a burst of renewed zeal at that time, but September also gives the same feeling of an empty calendar and a clean slate.  The air seems charged with possibility and renewal”.

Saying farewell to summer and the wonderful camp memories made is never easy, but the new school year gives us all something to look forward to.  A fresh start feels good, and can motivate us to make positive changes and focus on all that we hope for in the new academic year.  It’s a time to refocus and pursue new school activities as well as outside interests. 

So what are your goals for the new school year? What do you want to do differently? What challenges are you ready to take on?  Your goal may be as simple as organizing your backpack every night so you are not as rushed in the morning getting off to school, or doing homework before you head out to extracurricular activities.  You may choose to pursue a class or club that you have never tried before, or try out for a school sport.  No matter what your goal is it is always helpful to make it specific. Instead of saying “I will read more”, say “I will read for 30 minutes every night”.  Once you have thought up a specific goal, write it down.  Seeing it in writing will make it more real.  And of course, reward yourself for your hard work along the way.    

So whatever you choose to focus on this new school year, we hope you are off to a great start.  Happy School Year to everyone!