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Monday, April 30, 2012
Have We Added Another Lost Generation?
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Come Explore the World of Overnight Camp
If you have not already heard this from your child, you may be hearing it soon... I WANT TO GO TO OVERNIGHT CAMP!!!

As the weather gets warmer and the days get longer, kids are starting to talk about their summer plans. On the school bus, the soccer field, at the neighborhood pool club, and at family barbecues, overnight camp is a much talked about topic. Kids that are currently enrolled in day camp may be starting to express interest in looking at overnight camps for next summer. It may even be the parents who feel it is time to initiate an overnight camp search. So how does a family prepare for this exciting transition? The gathering of camp information through word of mouth and camp referral agencies is the easy part. In the blink of an eye, you can have a stack of camp packets complete with DVD’s on your coffee table to watch and enjoy. With some planning, you can tour the camps that you are interested in and get a firsthand look at the camps in action. But how do you know if your child is really ready? They have an entire year to grow, mature and prepare; so the likelihood is that when the following summer arrives they will make a smooth transition to camp life. But what if you need something more concrete….an actual sneak preview into the world of the camp you are considering. Why not try a minicamp experience? Camps may have different names for this experience, but they are all meant to accomplish the same goal….to introduce the wonderful world of overnight camp to first time campers.

When we started this program back in 2009, we knew what a great addition it would be to families searching for a overnight camp. For the past three summers, we have had 90% of our Explorers campers enroll as full time Iroquois Springs campers. We have noticed that Explorers campers have a quick adjustment to camp life, having had the minicamp experience the previous summer. As one of our Explorers families from last summer puts it, “it’s a great window into the world of overnight camp without having to make a long term commitment. It helped my son, who was on the fence about going to camp, see that he was ready for this experience and can’t wait for this summer when he returns as a full time camper”.
To learn more about Explorers 2012 check out our online flyer for all the exciting details. This program is limited to 24 girls and 24 boys, so sign up today. We can’t wait to introduce you and your family to the world of camping at Iroquois Springs!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Celebrate Earth Day!
On April 22, more than one billion people around the globe will participate in Earth Day 2012. Earth Day is a day that is intended to inspire awareness and appreciation for the earth’s natural environment. It’s about uniting voices in support of a healthy planet. The first Earth day was held on April 22, 1970. People all over the country made promises to help the environment.

Earth Day is celebrated with acts of service to the earth, including planting trees, picking up roadside trash, and conducting recycling and conservation programs. It’s about ordinary people doing extraordinary things to help the planet. At Camp Iroquois Springs, we show our appreciation for the environment in the everyday recycling of paper, cardboard and batteries used at camp. We also have our campers practice ways of taking care of the earth; like last summer when our CIT’s planted a garden for the Rock Hill community. This year at camp, we will be planting a vegetable and herb garden, and can’t wait to use what we grow in recipes at Kitchen Stadium. In addition to what we give to the environment, we also have the opportunity to raise awareness of our camp setting by incorporating a nature scavenger hunt as part of Tribal games, where we search for various objects in nature. Our children are the leaders of the future, and it’s important that they are educated and engaged in environmental issues that can

make a big difference for the planet.
So what can you do to make a difference and join in on April 22 (and throughout the year) to show how important the environment is to you?
Consider some of these ideas…
-Recycle: Every bottle and can used is waste that just sits at the local dump if we don’t recycle.
-Use reusable water bottles and containers.
-Plant a tree...it’s good for the air.
-Reduce Electricity: Shut off lights, computers and televisions when not in use.
-Conserve Water: Shut the water off when brushing your teeth. Take less time in the shower.
-Use Public Transportation: Take the bus or railroad (instead of commuting by car) to decrease air pollution.
-Choose products that are not over packaged.
-Pay bills online.
-Don’t rinse: Skip rinsing dishes before using your dishwasher and save up to 20 gallons of water each load.
-Change to compact fluorescent bulbs.
When it comes to “going green”, there is no shortage of ways in which you can change your life and help the environment. It does not have to be a grand gesture, or major change in lifestyle to make a difference. There are dozens of small changes you can do every day to save energy and keep the world cleaner and greener.